Integrated Fire Management is based on the Internationally recognised definitions of Reduction, Readiness, Response, Recovery and Research. Initial market response in Brazil shows a keen interest in Computer Assisted fire Detection. WOF Brazil has responded with a market focus in this area realising our first contract in 2016 with Eldorado.

Working on Fire Brazil
Rua Luis Spiandorelli Neto
30, Sala 301
Jardim Paiquerê
Brasil, CEP 13271-570
Tel: +55 19 3246 1534
+55 19 9 9654 9899
+55 19 99 663 3880
30, Sala 301
Jardim Paiquerê
Brasil, CEP 13271-570
Tel: +55 19 3246 1534
+55 19 9 9654 9899
+55 19 99 663 3880
WOF Brazil is working with Eldorado (2016), Duratex (2019), and LD Celulose (2020) providing them with our camera fire detection solution.
Rua Luis Spiandorelli Neto
30, Sala 301
Jardim Paiquerê
Valinhos-SP, BraZil, CEP 13271-570
Tel: +55 19 3246 1534